Saturday, September 22, 2012


that the SHOCK FUTURO 7", the SICK/TIRED 7" and the SEA OF SHIT 7" not only got great reviews but have also been on 1 or more top 10 lists in MRR #347 and #348. I'm aware of the fact that that was already a while ago but A) have my own copies of those 2 MRR issues mysteriously vanished into thin air before I could scan the reviews (therefore the review of the THE LIFETAKER 7" still isn't posted, thanks to Tony for the others) and B) didn't I have any spare moment during the last time anyway. speaking about time - let me safe you some and let me tell you that I'm most likely not interested in co-releasing anything at the moment. if I don't know you / your label and the bands be prepared that I'll turn your offer down. life is still hectic here and the time I have for the label is very limited right now and barely enough to take care of my current releases. not to mention the up-coming stuff like the OVER THE TOP 7" picture disc which is also nearly good to go and should be out any day!

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